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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Man breaks into shop to steal one Banana (#weird)

The bizarre incident saw the man peel and eat the fruit in front of CCTV cameras - with no attempt to cover his face - before leaving in his car which he broke in with.
Le really weird criminal with the banana 
(arrrrrg!!! it just had to be a black man smh)
A rampaging criminal smashed his SUV through the front doors of a petrol station just to steal a BANANA.
The fruit fiend then stood in front of the CCTV and peeled his loot before consuming it - as cool as a cucumber.

Having repeatedly backed his Ford Freestyle SUV into the front doors of the Citgo station in Newington, Connecticut, breaking the glass, he proceeded to exit the vehicle and steal, peel and eat a banana.
The burglar alarm went off, alerting police, but the man had time to execute his bizarre crime - with no attempt to cover his face - before leaving in the car.
“Review of surveillance video depicted a suspect, operating a light-colored Ford Freestyle station wagon with Connecticut registration plates, back into the store entrance door several times creating an opening in the glass,” read a police statement.
“The suspect, identified as a black male wearing a dark jacket, dark pants, and a brown hat, then entered the store.
“The suspect selected a banana from a shelf, peeled and ate the fruit, and then exited the store.
"No other items were taken during the burglary.”
Police are appealing for information on the man or witnesses of the incident.
credit: mirror.co.uk

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