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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Man tries to have sex with a trolley.

Andrew Davidson tried to kiss a number of female passengers and when they all refused, he turned to the trolley nearby

A man tried to have sex with a train's onboard drinks trolley when none of his fellow passengers would kiss him, a court heard.
Andrew Davidson shouted "I want to kiss you" as he humped the trolley, which contained food, drinks and cash, Perth Sheriff Court was told today.
According to STV News, Davidson, 25, admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner on the Aberdeen to Glasgow ScotRail service.

And a staff member pushing the trolley was so scared by the bizarre behaviour, she ran off the train when it stopped.
Davidson's solicitor Grant Bruce told the court his client had gone crazy after taking a "legal high", STV reports.
Fiscal depute Jim Eodanable told the court: "The accused had previously asked to purchase a can of beer from her [the crew member] but had been told she had run out.
"He approached again and tried to engage her in conversation.
"Just prior to arriving in Dundee station he asked if he could kiss her and she said no. This was heard by passengers who were concerned for her safety.
"One passenger, who had her daughter with her, decided to keep an eye on the situation. The train stopped and the accused was seen placing his hands on a female passenger leaving the train."
When Davidson tried to grab the staff member, she pulled away and ran off, and he quickly turned and tried to sit on another woman's lap.
Mr Eodanable added: "He was rubbing his chest, sticking his tongue out and shouting about what he wanted to do to his boyfriend. He got back to his feet.
"He then approached the unattended trolley and started rubbing himself against the trolley."
Police were reportedly waiting for Davidson in Perth, and they found him face down and unable to remember anything.
In a letter to the court, and cited by STV, Davidson said: "I really can't remember anything that happened. I am disgusted with my behaviour. I'm very sorry."
Davidson, from West Hemming Street, Letham, Angus, was placed on community payback and will have to carry out 100 hours unpaid work.
He was not placed on the sex offenders register

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