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Friday, December 13, 2013

Birth of Nigerian Whispers.

Birth of Nigerian Whispers
Welcome to my new blog NIGERIAN WHISPERS. This blog is mainly created for Nigerians in diaspora. To keep you up to date with all the things happening in our Dear country Nigeria. I would basically be a web crawler bringing together all the really important and relevant information about on goings in the country. Well filtered and verified information would be posted here. So make sure you keep on checking on this blog. 
And as a side note i want to leave this to all Nigerians out there in various countries especially the developed countries. Our country needs us in so many ways. We have gone out and seen the world and we have gained enough or at-least some knowledge from our various experiences. I ask that we try one way or the other  to contribute this to the development of our Dear country so it can attain a status of greatness and development. I am asking that there be brain gain in Nigeria. Remember there is no place like home, its your identity. Thank you.

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