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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pregnant man WOW!!! check it out

Beatie is a transgender male who preserved his female reproductive organs and gained media attention after publicly announcing his pregnancy in 2007.

After three children, Beatie wants a fourth. This time, he is hoping his new girlfriend, Amber Nicholas, will carry the child. His ex, Nancy, was unable to get pregnant because she underwent a hysterectomy 25 years ago “Being pregnant was the most ­incredible experience, but we want Amber to do it this time around,” he told the Mirror. “I think it would be amazing to experience ­pregnancy as the father.” Beatie gained international attention during his first pregnancy when he posted photos of himself shirtless with a beard and a pregnant belly. "The first doctor we approached was a reproductive endocrinologist. He was shocked by our situation and told me to shave my facial hair," he wrote for The Advocate in 2008 while pregnant with his first daughter. Adding, "A few months and a couple thousand dollars later, he told us that he would no longer treat us, saying he and his staff felt uncomfortable working with 'someone like me.'" After medical complications, Beatie gave birth to baby girl, Susan, in 2008. Wow this is very weird. The weirdness in this world. All i can say is WOW!!

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