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Monday, December 23, 2013

Pussy Riot women vow to fight on after release

Wearing fishnet stockings amid temperatures of minus 25 degrees Celsius and hair perfectly coiffed, Tolokonnikova said her prison time only made her more resolute in opposing President Vladimir Putin's rule.
I don't consider this time wasted," she said. "I became older, I saw the state from within, I saw this totalitarian machine as it is."

Alyokhina meanwhile used her first interview after her release to slam the amnesty as a mere publicity stunt, and said that she would have preferred to remain in prison but wasn't given a choice.
"I don't think the amnesty is a humanitarian act, I think it's a PR stunt," she told Dozhd television channel. "If I had a choice to refuse (the amnesty), I would have, without a doubt."
Whisked away to freedom
Alyokhina's release was marked by the same kind of security as the special operation that freed Khodorkovsky, who was not seen after his release until he touched down at a Berlin airport on Friday afternoon.
She was taken away from the prison without saying goodbye to her fellow inmates or speaking with the media and eventually made her way to the offices of local NGO Committee Against Torture to make her first phonecalls and discuss violations at the colony.
Still in prison garb, she said she has no regrets. "I am not sorry, I am proud of what we did," she said, adding that she would like to use the same artistic style in tackling the issue of prisoner rights.
If offered to stage the church stunt again, "we would sing the song to the end," she said. "You have to listen to the whole thing, not just the first verse."
Rebels with a cause
They later released a video clip of their performance which has now been banned.
All were arrested in early March 2012. Samutsevich was later freed on appeal with a suspended sentence, but Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina were sent to faraway penal colonies to serve their two-year terms.

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