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Monday, December 23, 2013

S.Sudan army gets ready to fight back for Rebel held town.

Expectations of a major upsurge in fighting came as the United Nations warned that the situation in the world's youngest nation was fast unravelling, with hundreds of thousands of civilians now at risk.

The comments came despite days of shuttle diplomacy by African nations and calls from the United States, Britain and the United Nations for the fighting to stop.
Hundreds killed, thousands fleeing
"There are hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese who've fled into the bush or back to their villages to get out of harm's way," he said, describing seeing "the harrowing results of the intense violence".
Asked which areas of the conflict-torn country he was most concerned about, Lanzer said that "it would be quicker to talk about which areas I'm not worried about."
The clashes have left hundreds dead -- possibly many more -- and sent tens of thousands of people fleeing for protection in UN bases or to safer parts of the country, which only won independence from Sudan in 2011.
The young nation is oil-rich but deeply impoverished and awash with guns after the long war with Khartoum, and has grappled with corruption and lawlessness since independence.
Fighting spreading

Nuer gunmen stormed a UN base last week killing two Indian peacekeepers and slaughtering at least 20 Dinka civilians who had fled to the compound for shelter, and there have been reports of ethnically-motivated killings and attacks in the capital Juba and elsewhere.
Lanzer said the UN is "fortifying the camp in Bor, making sure there is no repeat of Akobo".
"But, as in Akobo, if there are few peacekeepers inside and 2,000 (fighters) outside, there's little we can do," he warned.
"IGAD has offered to mediate... but I told them that Dr. Riek (Machar) has to come to the table without any precondition," Kiir said.
Foreign governments, including in Britain, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda and the US, have been evacuating their nationals. On Saturday four US servicemen were wounded when their aircraft came under fire in a rebel-held area.
Britain was flying its third and final military aircraft on Monday to evacuate citizens, warning those who chose to stay "may have difficulty leaving in the event of a further deterioration in security".
Kenya Airways, one of the main commercial carriers to Juba, said they were suspending flights to South Sudan from Tuesday.
UN peacekeepers have said they are also reinforcing their military presence in oil-rich Unity state to help protect civilians. As in Bor, a top army commander in Bentiu switched sides to join the rebellion.
A local official in Bentiu said the area was littered with bodies, while MSF said the hospital there had treated 42 wounded people.
"This Christmas will not be like the previous ones because we will be mourning our dear lost ones in this senseless war," Kiir added.
credit : afp www.repost.us 

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